How to Say My Love in French: Showing What You Feel in This Romantic Language
Expressing your feelings to the closest people, whether a partner, parents, children, or friends, is always pleasant. French is considered among the most romantic languages in the world, so saying the warmest words in it is a great idea. How do I express my love in French? We are here to help you navigate the topic and sort everything out as soon as possible. The French language is rich, so numerous phrases might be useful. Take a look at commonly used expressions on this page.
Top Useful Phrases in French for My Love
Talking about your feelings (“les sentiments” in French) is always special, so choosing the right words is essential. The most famous phrase is “mon amour,” meaning “my love.” However, many want to be more inventive and develop more ideas. Expressing love in French will impress your close people, so it’s time to learn everything you need to do it:
- mon coeur – my heart;
- ma chérie – my honey;
- ma belle – my beautiful;
- ma biche – my darling;
- ma chatte – my kitty;
- ma moitié – my other half;
- ma nana – my girlfriend;
- mon papillon – my butterfly;
- mon miracle – my miracle;
- ma lumière – my light;
- ma pomme d’amour – my love apple;
- ma perfection – my perfection;
- mon arc en ciel – my rainbow;
- mon trésor – my treasure;
- mon ange – my angel;
- ma joie – my joy;
- mon nounours – my teddy bear;
- mamour – my love;
- ma douce – my sweet;
- mon amoureuse – my love;
- ma petite femme – my little wife;
- ma beauté – my beauty;
- ma reine – my queen;
- ma déesse – my goddess;
- ma dulcinée – my sweetheart.
You can also use the phrase “mon loulou” that actually doesn’t have an exact translation to other languages. We can predict it came from the word “loup” meaning “wolf” in French. Even though “my wolf” seems the best nickname for a child, it suits everyone. Locals use this expression frequently to show their sympathy or love. We can say it’s synonymous with “my sweetie” or “my little one,” which can be used to address everyone regardless of their age and status.
All the above expressions are widely used, so you can often hear them from native speakers. Some of them are similar to English; for instance, “mon miracle” and “ma perfection” are the same. Those already fluent in English can understand these expressions even without translation. However, many of the above terms mostly say my love in French for female individuals. Men also want to hear nice words, reminding them they are valued. Grab some ideas on how to express your warm feelings to males:
- mon beau – my handsome;
- mon chat – my cat;
- mon chéri – my honey;
- mon chou – my favorite;
- mon chum – my guy;
- mon roi – my king;
- mon roc – my rock;
- mon Roméo – my Romeo;
- ma raison de vivre – my reason for living;
- mon mec – my boyfriend;
- mon Valentin – my Valentine;
- mon homme – my man;
- mon prince charmant – my charming prince;
- mon autre – my other half.
Some think brutal and strong men don’t need tender words, but this is far from the case. We all sometimes have tough days, and reminding of love will cheer anyone up. Of course, you can also take advantage of the commonly used “mon amour” or “mon coeur” that are suitable to say my love in French to a male.
So, pick the expression you like most and show your love to your partner, father, brother, or other important men. Remember that everyone would be happy to hear pleasant words, and don’t forget to remind your close people how much you appreciate them.

Terms of Endearment in French: Expressing Love to Children
Kids are our favorite people on Earth, and most parents want to choose special words to let their children know how much they are loved. Frenchmen are known for their tenderness to little ones, so it’s not surprising they have multiple lovely phrases for them:
- mon doudou – my love;
- mon caneton – my duckling;
- mon biquet/ma biquette – my lamb;
- mon bébé – my baby;
- mon rayon de soleil – my ray of sunshine;
- mon poussin – my baby chick;
- mon petit amour – my little love;
- mon petit trésor – my little treasure;
- ma petite puce – my little sweetie;
- ma princesse – my princess;
- ma fille – my little girl;
- ma choupinette – my cutie;
- ma marmotte – my groundhog;
- ma coccinelle – my ladybug;
- mon lapin – my rabbit;
- mon étoile – my star;
- ma poupette – my little doll;
- mon chaton – my kitten;
- ma grenouille – my frog;
- mon lutine – my elf;
- mon ours – my bear;
- ma douce – my sweet;
- mon sucre d’orge – my candy cane;
- mon bijou – my precious.
You might have already noticed that Frenchmen commonly express love by providing a parallel with animals. And it’s in no way offensive to most locals. For instance, if a child adores bears, the phrase “mon ours” will cheer them up. Basically, you can pick any animal your kid likes and call them like that. Just ensure they will be happy with such a nickname.
Children deserve special attention and lots of tender words to remind them of our love. You can use any of the above phrases for your kid. The ones’ perception differs from an adult’s, as babies feel your tenderness through touches and hugs.
However, it’s proved that even newborns can understand what parents say long before they start speaking. Therefore, telling them how much you value them is a great idea. Remember that giving too much love to your child is impossible, so don’t forget to pick the best expressions for your favorite little one.
French Terms of Endearment for Friends: Common Collocations
Even though we most often use love phrases for our partners and families, friends are an important part of many people’s lives. And sometimes, we want to remind them how much we love and appreciate them. “Mon ami bien-aimé” meaning “my beloved friend,” is a great idea on how to express your feelings. You can also use expressions like “ami de mon coeur” translated as “friend of my heart,” or just “mon coeur.”
Frenchmen have a rich language, so they usually invent funny nicknames for their friends. Sometimes, they use humorous phrases to show their warm feelings. Such an approach is only acceptable in informal communication with close people. Catch some unusual ideas that might come in handy:
- mon monstre – my monster;
- ma truffe – my truffle;
- mon ver de terre – my worm;
- ma cocotte – my pot;
- ma loutre – my otter;
- mon bouchon – my bottle cork;
- ma vieille branche – my old branch.
Even though it might seem unusual for foreigners, French natives use such phrases when expressing their love. For instance, if a person adores drinking wine, “my bottle cork” is the best demonstration of their warm feelings. And, of course, communication with friends should always be with a pinch of humor, so using the above phrases is acceptable.
Which one do you like most? In our opinion, “ma vieille branche” can be a great nickname for someone you have known for ages. Of course, you must first ensure they won’t be offended by such words; in other instances, you should better consider more widely used phrases. Frenchmen are known for their excellent sense of humor, so most accept such expressions and are happy to hear them from their close people.
Importance of Talking About Your Feelings
Of course, our family and other close people know we love them. However, reminding them of our feelings can be a pleasant bonus. Imagine your partner has had a hard day at work and needs support. A tasty dinner and endearments in French will encourage them. Moreover, experts consider that telling a person about their love reinforces relationships and reminds people of their value to others.
Tender words are especially important for children. You can express feelings differently – hugging, kissing, and spending time together demonstrate your love. But several warm words will make children understand they are precious to their parents. Those showing their love will also receive a lot of positive emotions. Communication creates a stronger bond between two people; you should open up to each other for love and understanding to build long-term, trustful relationships.
This is why it is important to discuss feelings, no matter what language you choose. French is rich in exciting expressions that may sound uncommon to foreigners; besides, it is considered one of the most romantic in the world. So, learn at least some phrases on this page to delight your close ones and express your love with special words.
Learn Words of Endearment in French and Many More with Promova
Education can be pleasant and fun with Promova, as we’ve created guided French courses for different levels. Learners can download an app or stay on the web version and enjoy new words and exciting quizzes daily. Highly proficient tutors developed the program so everyone can reach the desired fluency level.
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Demonstrating love and emotions is essential for everyone, as it’s a way to strengthen relationships with a partner, children, family members, and friends. Terms of endearment in French are lovely and will remind your close people how much you value them. Learn as many expressions as possible, and remember to replenish your vocabulary regularly. French is among the most beautiful languages in the world, so declarations of love are truly special.
What are the most unusual ways to say my love in French?
Locals often use expressions that are uncommon for foreigners. For instance, they would say “mon chou,” translated to English as “my cabbage.” People in other countries will not consider it a compliment, but Frenchmen will be happy to hear such a phrase from their beloved person. You can also meet the wording “mon gros/ma grosse” meaning “my fat.” It’s a common way to express endearment in France, even though it might be offensive for many residents from other states.
What is the most widely used French word for my love?
“Mon amour” is a standard expression suitable for any occasion. You can use it for your beloved person, friend, child, mother, father, or another relative. It’s the best way to tell someone how much they mean to you. You can also use “mon coeur,” but this collocation is often implemented when discussing romantic relationships. Overall, you can turn on your imagination and create a lovely nickname for your beloved person by yourself.
What are the peculiarities of expressing emotions and feelings in France?
Locals are friendly and always open to meeting new people. Moreover, Frenchmen tend to demonstrate their emotions to the whole world. Therefore, don’t be surprised if a new acquaintance kisses you on the cheeks or hugs you on your first meeting. It’s also common for them to use phrases like “ma belle” (“my beautiful”) to strangers. This is the French mentality, so prepare to face a lot of sincerity and positive emotions when planning a trip to this wonderful country.
Which materials should I use to strengthen my French skills?
Downloading the Promova app will be helpful, as our guided courses will always be in your pocket. In addition, it’s recommended to use dictionaries to replenish vocabulary regularly. The good news is that you don’t have to visit the library every time, as multiple sources can be found online. The best options include Larousse Dictionary and WordReference. Use them to enrich your lexicon and make learning convenient and fun. Remember that memorizing at least a few words daily will help you succeed in mastering the language.