Dive Into the Animal Kingdom: A Beginner’s Guide to Spanish Animal Vocabulary
We live in a world full of various animals, pets, and other wonderful creatures. And all of them have different names in every language we learn. Today, we are going to talk about animals in Spanish. Whether you’re a pet lover, a language enthusiast, or simply intrigued by the fascinating interplay of words and culture, fasten your seatbelt as we start this exciting journey through the enchanting and wild animal kingdom.
Farm Animal Names in Spanish
Let’s start our journey with some animals we are familiar with. These are mostly domestic pets usually met on a farm. So let it be our first stop – turn on your “Old Macdonald” song, and let’s learn the most common Spanish animals and their names.
- Vaca – [ˈbaka] – Cow.
La vaca está pastando en el campo. (The cow is grazing in the field.)
El agricultor ordeña a las vacas todas las mañanas. (The farmer milks the cows every morning.)
- Gallina – [ɡaˈʎina] – Hen.
Las gallinas ponen huevos frescos todos los días. (Hens lay fresh eggs every day.)
La gallina cuida de sus polluelos con mucho amor. (The hen takes care of her chicks with a lot of love.)
- Cerdo – [ˈθeɾðo] – Pig.
Los cerdos son animales inteligentes y curiosos. (Pigs are intelligent and curious animals.)
En la granja, los cerdos se alimentan de maíz y heno. (On the farm, pigs eat corn and hay.)
- Oveja – [oˈβexa] – Sheep.
Las ovejas producen lana que se utiliza para hacer ropa y textiles. (Sheep produce wool that is used to make clothing and textiles.)
El pastor guía a su rebaño de ovejas por los campos verdes. (The shepherd guides his flock of sheep through the green fields.)
- Cabra – [ˈkaβɾa] – Goat.
Las cabras son conocidas por ser muy ágiles y escaladoras. (Goats are known for being very agile and good climbers.)
En algunas culturas, se usa la leche de cabra para hacer queso. (In some cultures, goat’s milk is used to make cheese.)
- Pato – [ˈpato] – Duck.
Los patos nadan en el estanque del parque. (The ducks swim in the park’s pond.)
Los patos hacen un ruido característico que suena como “cuac cuac.” (Ducks make a characteristic sound that goes “quack quack.”)
- Perro – [ˈpero] – Dog.
Mi perro es muy juguetón y leal. (My dog is very playful and loyal.)
Los perros son conocidos como “el mejor amigo del hombre.” (Dogs are known as “man’s best friend.”)
- Gato – [ˈɡato] – Cat.
Mi gato adora tomar siestas en el sol. (My cat loves taking naps in the sun.)
Los gatos son animales independientes y elegantes. (Cats are independent and elegant animals.)
- Tortuga – [toɾˈtuɣa] – Turtle.
Las tortugas son conocidas por su longevidad y su caparazón protector. (Turtles are known for their longevity and protective shell.)
En verano, llevamos a nuestra tortuga a dar paseos por el jardín. (In the summer, we take our turtle for walks in the garden.)
- Hurón – [uˈɾon] – Ferret.
Los hurones son animales curiosos y les encanta explorar. (Ferrets are curious animals and love to explore.)
Los hurones son mascotas cariñosas que disfrutan de la compañía de sus dueños. (Ferrets are affectionate pets that enjoy the company of their owners.)

List of Animals in Spanish: Jungle
In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight. Meanwhile, we will take you to the jungle as well – to explore some exotic animals that live there. So please, make yourself comfortable, and take a look at this Spanish animals list.
- León – [leˈon] – Lion.
El león es conocido como el rey de la selva. (The lion is known as the king of the jungle.)
Los leones viven en manadas y cazan juntos. (Lions live in prides and hunt together.)
- Elefante – [eleˈfante] – Elephant.
Los elefantes son animales herbívoros con trompas largas. (Elephants are herbivorous animals with long trunks.)
Los elefantes africanos son más grandes que los elefantes asiáticos. (African elephants are larger than Asian elephants.)
- Jirafa – [xiˈɾafa] – Giraffe.
La jirafa es conocida por su largo cuello y manchas en su piel. (The giraffe is known for its long neck and spots on its skin.)
Las jirafas son los animales más altos del mundo. (Giraffes are the tallest animals in the world.)
- Hipopótamo – [ipoˈpotamo] – Hippopotamus.
Los hipopótamos pasan mucho tiempo en el agua para mantenerse frescos. (Hippopotamuses spend a lot of time in the water to stay cool.)
Los hipopótamos tienen colmillos afilados y son muy poderosos. (Hippopotamuses have sharp teeth and are very powerful.)
- Mono – [ˈmono] – Monkey.
Los monos son conocidos por su agilidad y su capacidad para trepar árboles. (Monkeys are known for their agility and ability to climb trees.)
Los monos aulladores son famosos por sus fuertes vocalizaciones en la selva. (Howler monkeys are famous for their loud calls in the jungle.)
- Serpiente – [seɾˈpjente] – Snake.
Las serpientes son reptiles que se desplazan sin patas. (Snakes are legless reptiles that slither.)
En la jungla, es importante tener cuidado con las serpientes venenosas. (In the jungle, it’s important to be cautious of venomous snakes.)
- Jaguar – [xaˈɣwaɾ] – Jaguar.
El jaguar es un felino grande y poderoso que habita en la selva. (The jaguar is a large and powerful feline that inhabits the jungle.)
Los jaguares son cazadores sigilosos que se camuflan bien en la vegetación. (Jaguars are stealthy hunters that blend well into the vegetation.)
Spanish Animals Names: Sea Creatures
Our next stop will be deep into the marine world, where we’ll explore the unique Spanish names of sea creatures. Take a look at this comprehensive list of animal names living in rivers, oceans, and seas.
- Pez – [ˈpeθ] – Fish.
Los peces son una parte vital de los ecosistemas acuáticos. (Fish are a vital part of aquatic ecosystems.)
En el acuario, puedes ver una gran variedad de peces de colores. (In the aquarium, you can see a wide variety of colorful fish.)
- Tiburón – [tiβuˈɾon] – Shark.
Los tiburones son depredadores marinos temidos y fascinantes. (Sharks are dangerous yet fascinating marine predators.)
Los tiburones tienen aletas afiladas y dientes serrados. (Sharks have sharp fins and serrated teeth.)
- Delfín – [delˈfin] – Dolphin.
Los delfines son mamíferos marinos inteligentes y sociables. (Dolphins are intelligent and social marine mammals.)
Los delfines son conocidos por saltar fuera del agua y nadar junto a embarcaciones. (Dolphins are known for leaping out of the water and swimming alongside boats.)
- Ballena – [baˈʎena] – Whale.
Las ballenas son los mamíferos más grandes del planeta. (Whales are the largest mammals on Earth.)
Durante la temporada de migración, las ballenas viajan miles de millas en el océano. (During migration season, whales travel thousands of miles in the ocean.)
- Calamar – [kalaˈmaɾ] – Squid.
Los calamares son cefalópodos que tienen tentáculos largos. (Squids are cephalopods with long tentacles.)
Los calamares son una fuente de alimento importante en la dieta de algunos países. (Squids are an important food source in the diet of some countries.)
Names of Animals in Spanish: Into the Woods
And finally, it is time to return to land and visit another common animal inhabitant – a forest. Here, you can meet sly foxes, cute deer, and intelligent wolves. And what do you call all these animals in Spanish? Let’s find out together!
- Ardilla – [aɾˈðiʎa] – Squirrel.
Las ardillas son conocidas por sus saltos ágiles de rama en rama. (Squirrels are known for their agile leaps from branch to branch.)
Las ardillas a menudo almacenan nueces en sus madrigueras para el invierno. (Squirrels often store nuts in their burrows for the winter.)
- Ciervo – [ˈθjeɾβo] – Deer.
Los ciervos son animales majestuosos que suelen vivir en manadas. (Deer are majestic animals that often live in herds.)
Durante la temporada de apareamiento, los ciervos machos hacen sonidos guturales. (During the mating season, male deer make guttural sounds.)
- Zorro – [ˈθoro] – Fox.
Los zorros son animales astutos y nocturnos que cazan pequeños mamíferos. (Foxes are cunning, nocturnal animals that hunt small mammals.)
Los zorros tienen pelaje rojizo y colas esponjosas. (Foxes have reddish fur and bushy tails.)
- Oso – [ˈoso] – Bear.
Los osos son animales omnívoros que hibernan durante el invierno. (Bears are omnivorous animals that hibernate during the winter.)
Los osos pardos son grandes y poderosos, mientras que los osos panda son adorables y tiernos. (Brown bears are large and powerful, while panda bears are adorable and gentle.)
- Lobo – [ˈloβo] – Wolf.
Los lobos son depredadores sociales que cazan en manadas. (Wolves are social predators that hunt in packs.)
Los lobos aúllan para comunicarse con otros miembros de la manada. (Wolves howl to communicate with other pack members.)
- Mapache – [maˈpaʧe] – Raccoon.
Los mapaches son animales omnívoros y curiosos que a menudo se alimentan de basura. (Raccoons are omnivorous and curious animals that often feed on trash.)
Los mapaches tienen rayas faciales y anillos en sus colas. (Raccoons have facial stripes and rings on their tails.)
- Castor – [kasˈtoɾ] – Beaver.
Los castores son conocidos por construir presas y madrigueras en los ríos. (Beavers are known for building dams and burrows in rivers.)
Los castores tienen dientes incisivos fuertes para cortar madera y ramas. (Beavers have strong incisor teeth for cutting wood and branches.)
Learn Spanish Words for Animals with Promova
Currently, there are over 8 million different species of animals living on Earth. And believe it or not, most of them have their purely Spanish names. Of course, it doesn’t mean that you should learn all of them. But to memorize the most common ones, you might need to use the help of additional resources. Finding one is quite a challenge, but you don’t have to worry about it – we have a perfect solution. Let us introduce you to Promova – a convenient language-learning application that can help you reach your studying goals. Why choose us?
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In conclusion, our journey through the fascinating world of animals in Spanish has been nothing short of captivating. We’ve investigated the various environments that these amazing creatures inhabit, including farm animals, jungle dwellers, and sea critters, as well as those located deep within the forest. Animal names in Spanish might not be the most essential knowledge, but it is still important for language learning. We hope that this article was helpful, and we are excited to see you in the next one!
Are there any famous idioms with Spanish animal words?
Yes, there are many animal-related idioms in Spanish! For example, the expression “ser un pez gordo,” which literally translates to “to be a big fish,” is used to describe a powerful and influential person. The phrase “estar como una cabra,” or “to be like a goat” in English, refers to someone acting eccentric or crazy.
Are animal names in Spanish similar to their English counterparts?
While some animal names in Spanish may sound similar to their English equivalents, there can be significant differences in pronunciation and spelling. For example, “elefante” is quite similar to “elephant” (at least you can guess what the animal is from its name), but they sound different.
How do I know the gender of an animal in Spanish?
Like most Spanish nouns, animal names can be both feminine and masculine. Generally, you can tell the difference by the ending of the word (for example, -o typically defines a masculine noun, and -a – feminine). However, there are cases when the gender of the animal is described by entirely different words (for instance, la gallina is a hen, and el gallo is a rooster).
Can you explain the plural forms of animal names?
Forming the plural of animal names in Spanish is generally straightforward. For most masculine animal names ending in “-o,” change the “-o” to “-os” for the plural (e.g., “perros”). For most feminine names ending in “-a,” change the “-a” to “-as” for the plural (e.g., “gatas”).