Gender Nouns in English
Gender is an important concept for understanding how English words work. While it isn't as prominent as in, for example, German or Spanish, it still often comes up in rules and different word forms. In this reference, we’ll explore the gender of nouns and how to identify them in sentences. We’ll also look at some common mistakes and provide an exercise to test your skills.
Why are English nouns gendered?
English nouns are not inherently gendered. Instead, gender in English is often assigned based on the context of the sentence or the rules of grammar. For example, a pronoun like "he" or "she" is often used to refer to a person in a sentence, and that choice assigns a gender to the noun.
Also, some nouns have different forms depending on their gender (e.g., actor/actress). Sometimes, the gender of a noun may be arbitrary or based on tradition. So, it's a part of English grammar largely dictated by context and tradition.
Gender of Nouns
In English, nouns can be masculine, feminine, or neuter. In general, masculine nouns refer to males, feminine nouns refer to females, and neuter nouns refer to things or concepts. For example, the word “person” is usually considered to be a neuter noun, and using pronouns could help make it refer to any gender.
The word “cat” is a neuter noun because it refers to an animal, the word “father” is a masculine noun, and the word "mother" is a feminine noun. Words that represent males and females are gendered, while ideas and concepts are neutral.
Nouns can be further divided into two categories: countable and uncountable.
The word “apple” is a countable noun because you can count the number of apples, while the word “water” is an uncountable noun because you cannot count the amount of water.
Gender can be assigned to both countable and uncountable nouns. When we use a plural form of any noun, the gender of the noun is neutral. For example, the word “students” is a plural form of the word “student” and it is considered to be a neuter noun.

How to Determine Noun Gender
Determining the gender of a noun can be a tricky task for English learners. The most reliable way to learn the gender of a noun is to consult a dictionary. Most English dictionaries will list the gender of the noun next to the definition.
Another way to determine the gender of a noun is to look at the word ending. In English, many words ending in “er”, “or”, or “ist” are usually masculine, while words ending in “ess”, “ance”, or “ence” are usually feminine.
However, this method can be unreliable as there are many exceptions to the rule.
Genders of Nouns in Sentences
Once you’ve determined the gender of a noun, you can use it correctly in sentences. In English, the gender of your noun affects the pronoun that is used. For example, the pronoun “he” refers to a masculine noun, while the pronoun “she” is refers to a feminine noun.
In addition, the gender of a noun affects verb conjugation. For example, the verb “to be” is conjugated differently when used with a masculine noun (“he is”) and a feminine noun (“she is”).
It’s also important to note that some nouns can be both masculine and feminine. For example, the word “actor” is both a masculine and feminine noun. In this case, the gender of the noun depends on the gender of the person being referred to.
If you aren't sure which pronouns to use, you can always use the neutral "they" in your sentences to refer to people whose gender identity isn't binary or ask them for their preferred pronouns.
Common Mistakes
When learning the gender of nouns, it’s important to be aware of some common mistakes.
One mistake is assuming that all nouns ending in “er”, “or”, or “ist” are masculine. As mentioned earlier, there are many exceptions to this rule, so it’s best to consult a dictionary if you’re unsure of the gender of a noun.
It’s also important to remember that the gender of a noun can change depending on the gender of the person or thing being referred to. For example, the word “president” can be both a masculine and feminine noun depending on who it refers to.
By understanding the gender of nouns, you’ll be able to communicate more effectively in English. With practice and dedication, you’ll soon be an expert in using gender nouns and won't need any help at all determining the gender of words you're using!